Tag Archives: sleeping tablets

Anorexics beware, you’ll never sleep properly again…


sleepDo you manage to sleep, interrupted, for more than 3 hours at a time?

If you do, I’m incredibly jealous.

Since suffering anorexia I have not managed to have a good night’s sleep for four years now. I used to be able to sleep through 7,8,9 hours straight. Sure I’d stir a couple of times in the night, but I’d nod off straight after.

Now however, my sleep consists of 4 or 5 wakings, with it getting harder to nod off the later the wake. It doesn’t matter if I go to bed on a full stomach, or if it’s a couple of hours after dinner, my sleep consists of (for example)

  • Go to bed at 10
  • Wake at 11, hungry
  • Go back to sleep, wake at 1:30ish (longest stint)
  • Sleep
  • Wake at 3
  • Sleep
  • Wake at 4:15
  • Try and get back to sleep, if successful…wake around 6. If not, stay up.

It’s been like that for years now. It was even worse in my really bad anorexic days, I’d wake and need to pee too. So much so I had to have a water deprivation test for diabetes insipidus. 12 hours of no water – and I was still peeing every hour! They had to jab my arse with ADH (anti diuretic hormone), and it was like turning a tap off.

I’ve been prescribed sleeping tablets before – Tamazepan, Zopiclone, Buspar.. they don’t work either. They used to, but I’ve built up a resistance to Tamazepan, and Zopiclone gives horrible amnesia.


I kick myselves sometimes for suffering from this horrible disease, I just want to be able to sleep properly again.

What are your sleeping habits? Do you wake in the night too?

Big love