Three months later…


Hi everyone, how are you all? Sorry I’ve been absent for a while, but I’ve had lots on mind – life’s been pretty mental.

Here goes..

I quit my job

Two days after my last blogpost I quit my job. Yep, in the current economic climate I made the decision to jack it in and take a chance on finding something else.

I couldn’t take it any more, sitting in an office with a bully for a boss. Someone who was such a control freak she read my emails, listened to my phonecalls, timed my morning arrival and evening leaving down to the second.

I had given up a better paid job, a company car and a blackberry mobile for this job. It was in PR, a chance to get back doing what I love best and writing, but after five weeks I thought “fuck it”. I couldn’t take it and so I walked.

I wrote a letter of resignation and posted it through the door, and I was suddenly unemployed and another extra +1 on the scrapheap.

I signed on

I signed on immediately, but let me tell you that it’s not fun. The amount of forms you have to fill in is crazy. I also managed to get Disability Living Allowance – my doctor signed all the forms because I’m underweight. But guess how much I got? £19 a week – the lowest grade. People with bad backs get more – and are their lives at risk? I’ll let you be the judge of that.

I applied everywhere

Hunting for a job is not fun.

Hunting for a job with a mental illness is even worse. The constant rejection after rejection made me feel low and depressed.

Daytime TV sucked away my soul – I felt I had nothing to live for, but kept plugging away, sending out CV after CV.

I joined the local gym

I know I know. “You’re underweight AC – why the hell did you join a gym?”

Well because I had nothing to do it was the perfect way to let off some steam, gave me a place to go to during the day, somewhere to read the local paper and bury my head in a book while on the exercise bike. Plus it’s true what they say, exercise does make you feel better.

And that was my life. Day in. Day out. From August 13th – November 1st.

You may be thinking at this point either a) holy hell you were brave, congrats on making the big decision to b) you’re mental, you gave up a job and an income in the current economic climate?

Well, the good news is that I GOT ANOTHER JOB!!!!

Yep. That’s right. I managed to get back into the world of work, and have been working as a PR and Social Media Consultant for a local company here since 7th November and I love it.

I’m appreciated.

I’m making our clients happy (I got a big department store over 1,100 Facebook fans in 2 weeks which got picked up in the local press)!

I’ve made some friends with people my own age (no more stuck in that office with just the bully boss for company)

And that’s what I’ve been up to!

I’m still underweight, but I’ve got a purpose in life again. I’d just like a girlfriend I suppose….so if you could sort it for Christmas that would be marvellous.

More tomorrow!

AC 🙂

6 responses »

  1. Congrats on the job! I know from experience how toxic a bad job can be. My previous full-time internship was not a good fit for me and I hated the work environment. I’m so glad you found a job that you like and that you had the courage and the intelligence to leave your previous job. Having a job that you really enjoy makes such a difference. I’ve had a couple where I’ve truly enjoyed and looked forward to going to work; they were summer jobs or part-time jobs but I think the experience is still similar. But the happiness and direction that it brings to your life can carry over to everything else.

  2. Congratulations on your new job and girlfriend hunting 🙂 By the way I enjoyed your story because I can relate with it . Ive been there before and trust me its hard.

  3. What a wondefully positive post! I’m a new reader and even though I’m female, I feel connected to your story and like the fact I am reading a male perspective on ED’s. Thank you. Tash x

  4. Congratulations on your new job! I do think it is very brave that you left your old job. Although it can be incredibly difficult, I think it is so important to do the things that make us happy, and since a job is such a large part of everyday life, if you are miserable at work, that can make you feel miserable the rest of the time! Good for you! I am so happy to hear that things are looking up! Looking forward to reading more!! xx Jillian-Elle

  5. Congrats on the new job, i was unemployed for 7 months around the same time and it’s not fun. Our problems are different but i’ll be interested to read about Anorexia from a guys perspective 🙂 xx

  6. I had similar problems with job. I hated to work. Basically work was making me feel even worse. For now I’m just recovering at home only close friends and family. It’s better. However I plan to pick up the job in the future, just gotta make sure if it’s safe enough for me.

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